"Let me show you what I did to go from living in fear and anxiety to having real Peace."

A Step-by-Step Spiritual Program to Heal the Repeating Fear Patterns That Keep You Feeling Stuck
Heal Your Heart & Your Relationships So You Can Feel Happier in Everyday Life
Registration closes
on Monday, September 22nd

Looking for more options?
Enroll now and we'll support you with a payment plan for up to 10 PAYMENTS!
Here's what past participants say:

Originally I signed up for Finding Freedom because it is a requirement in completing the Power of Love Ministry’s Spiritual Counseling Certification program. I was also excited to see how it would bring more ease and clarity with how I worked with my mental health clients. I knew that by freeing myself from my own victim mentality, which included feelings of depression, fear and anxiety, I would be more compassionate and available to my own clients. Of the many tools in Finding Freedom, I use the Forgiveness Letter and Deep Desire of the Heart exercise the most, as well as teachings around willingness and acceptance. Shifting false beliefs is the foundation of cognitive behavioral therapy, which is one of the most researched/evidence based practices in psychotherapy that has the best outcomes on a universal scale, and Jennifer covers HOW to do this in a practical, inspiring, clear way! I highly recommend Finding Freedom for all mental health professionals for the dual benefit of personal expansion and healing, and inevitably being a more loving, clear, helpful therapist.
~ Kelly Lash, MS, LMHC, LPC

Finding Freedom helps people shift from a fear-based mindset of victimhood and powerlessness, to one of peace, abundance, and joy. Jennifer effectively teaches how our thoughts influence our outer reality. This approach is like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy but feels more powerful to me because it focuses on TRUE cause and effect and how to break the cycle of suffering in a person’s life. It is not focused on changing our outer reality, but our inner. To me, this is where the true power of healing exists for any of us wanting to help our clients make lasting changes. Of the many effective tools in the Finding Freedom program, I use the Forgiveness Letter and Divine Experiment the most with clients. These tools focus on looking at your belief systems while teaching you not to be attached to the form. My clients in my therapeutic practice where I integrated massage therapy, Reiki, and counseling were often inspired by what I was learning and practicing in this program. I feel the Finding Freedom program and tools are a great compliment for any counselor wanting to enhance or deepen their spiritual knowledge to be truly effective in promoting healing and lasting changes in their clients’ lives.
~ Connie Batsell, National Certified
Counselor M.A.

It was the wake-up call of my life. Jennifer's invitation to the class was written as if it was just from me. I knew that however challenging I thought it might seem, I wanted freedom from suffering more. Because of this class, I was able to lay down a long-standing self-medicating addiction, and finally love myself, because I was able to feel the Love of my self.
A beautiful gathering of the perfectly-intended souls who helped me practice the love, patience, and acceptance I had been yearning for.
I achieved true freedom from guilt and shame. The ability to love myself and truly love others, because we are One.
~ Erin McDonald

I've become increasingly prayerful. I'm now learning to pray, learning to prove God in my life; learning to partner UP; learning to forgive; learning to love myself. Connecting to Higher Self.
~ Paula Martin
My spiritual bootcamp class isn’t for everyone, it’s designed for those who are ready and willing to do things differently. If you knew what to do, would you be willing to do it?

People have been healing their hearts, their relationships and feeling spiritually successful since 2008. This isn’t magic. Learn how to do it for yourself and then you’ll be able to apply these spiritual skills the rest of your life. For REAL.
This is not another opportunity to fail.
You’ll be learning and using simple tools to build the skills to work with your mind and your attitude all throughout your day. Turn your whole life into an effective spiritual practice and you WILL see the results in your family, in your friends, your workplace, your body, your finances and even your home!
Stop studying spiritual teachings and start LIVING a true spiritual practice.

FINDING FREEDOM is an online spiritual bootcamp recognized by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc.
With a proven track record of helping hundreds of people over 10 years, FINDING FREEDOM is beloved by students from around the world. Watch Jesse's story to see how this program transformed his life.

8 Video Classes

You'll get my core 8 video 90-minute classes for easy downloading or listening online.
My video classes are pre-recorded videos and contain clear teachings about how to shift your life and have an extraordinary transformation. The more you listen to them, the more you’ll hear. Read the transcript and listen at the same time to receive even more benefit! The classes are also available in a podcast format so you can take them with you on your mobile device easily.
My classes give you the ROADMAP so you can change your life for good with grace.
50 Videos in the Spiritual Healing Toolkit
You get 50 videos, of varying lengths, that you can watch again and again to help you get out of your head and into your heart to truly heal your negative patterns for good.
Watching one of my videos can be a great way to shift your mood, start your day, or end your day tapped into more Love flowing in your life!
All videos have subtitles to make them easy to understand for those with hearing or english language issues.

Goal Setting Session

Join together with other class participants with a Spiritual Counselor facilitating to lead you through a process for clear goal setting to improve your experience and support you in meeting YOUR goals for the bootcamp.
Freedom Posse

Freedom Posse’s are a small support group that meet and share for 1 hour on a weekly basis for 10 weeks to discuss challenges, breakthroughs and breakdowns to make the experience of doing the home study aspects more FUN and celebratory!
You can join by ZOOM video using a free app on your phone, tablet or computer - if you prefer to phone in, you can do that too!
Small group size - no more than 6 participants and 2 facilitators. The like-minded folks in your group support you in accomplishing more healing and clearing. We can do so much more together than we can do on our own!
Facilitators have all done the classes themselves and are in training with Jennifer to be Spiritual Counselors.
Activation Sessions
Activation Sessions are a guided Spiritual Counseling Session designed to ACTIVATE your own inspiration and divine guidance so you don’t give up or get distracted. Activation Sessions are facilitated by qualified counselors who are in Jennifer’s Spiritual Counseling Certification Program.
Activation sessions are a powerful way to connect with the Higher Holy Spirit Self and connect to your intuition. Many have found these sessions to be profoundly healing and inspiring.

You'll get the complete transcripts of the 8 video classes so you can read along for better retention (or to improve your English.)
These are beautifully laid out and easy to read online or print out. When you print them, you can read along as you listen and make your notes and aha’s in the transcript for easy reference.
Private WhatsApp Group

I created this beautiful 400 page workbook to help you stay on track. There is an abundance of helpful exercises for you to dive deeper and learn more.
You'll explore this workbook in depth and gain deeper transformation if you decide to be a part of one of the Freedom Posse groups. These exercises will be discussed in the weekly Freedom Posse meetings so that you can stay focused on your transformation and see even more miraculous results!
Mastery Journal
You'll get access to a private WhatsApp group where you can connect with other like-minded students who are doing the same work you are! Alumni will cheer you on and support you - it’s a powerful and supportive community.
Participants agree: the community is one of the best parts of the experience.

3-Month Membership in my Sacred Circle Spiritual Counseling!

Here’s where you and I can meet, on zoom almost every week - for 90 days - you can ask me ANY question you like. I am here to support you. You can call in live - or submit a question in writing.
This is a weekly class and if you cannot join live, you can submit a question to me in writing and I’ll answer it so you can hear it on the recording.
It’s like getting a personal counseling session with me. You can ask a question every week.
You get 3 months as a BONUS gift FREE - with love from me to you!

Registration closes on Monday, September 22nd
Looking for more options?
Enroll now and we'll support you with a payment plan for up to 10 PAYMENTS!
Enroll for both
Stop Playing Small Online Retreat and Finding Freedom - save $200!
Stop Playing Small Online Retreat - 597.
Finding Freedom Spiritual Bootcamp - 697.
Enroll for both for ONLY 1094.

Now you’ll have even more support to make sure you get that breakthrough you desire!
You'll be amazed at how much can shift in just 10 weeks.
You can heal old patterns, reconnect with loved ones, heal your body and more!
Hundreds of people like you have seen powerful results unfold in their lives.
If you're WILLING, then this WILL work for you.
When you add up all the components of this class, and if you were to purchase them separately it would cost you $1494.00
I am committed to eliminating the idea that you would not heal your life. You’ve been saying you’ll do this for years. Now’s the time!
You can enroll in this bootcamp Risk Free!

100% Money Back Guarantee
Finding Freedom Spiritual Bootcamp transforms lives.
I believe in it so much, that if you take the course and you do the work and
it DOES NOT change your life, I will give you a full refund of the class price.
Simply send me your Freedom Journal so I can review the work you’ve done and can understand you’re experience. If you did the work and nothing’s changed in your life, I’ll give you your money back just like that. So there is NO RISK.

Get a FREE Exploratory Call
If you have questions or aren't sure if this Bootcamp is right for you right now, this service can help.
Absolutely NO pressure involved.
Similar to a counseling call, this free exploratory call is with someone who has already taken the program. The call gives you an opportunity to consult with a trained counselor who can focus specifically on what you would like to experience in life so you can make an empowered decision about whether this is right for you right now.

Freedom from failure:
Tools that actually work and the training to use them effectively.
Freedom from upset:
Learn to turn your pain into healing opportunities.
When you feel triggered, you will learn how to use that as an opportunity to heal yourself. Learn the skills that bring Freedom and Peace of mind. Once you master this, you can live without getting your buttons pushed every 10 minutes.
Stop managing and coping with your problems. Heal your pain patterns back to the root so you never experience them again. Are you ready to become unbotherable?
Freedom from confusion:
Gain instant access to 50 emotional healing videos + 9 audio lessons.
Freedom from fear:
Weekly group spiritual counseling calls with Jennifer Hadley for 90 days.
Clear teachings that are bite-sized so you can apply them and get results. Learn practical spiritual techniques for self-healing. We've seen students have a huge breakthrough just from watching ONE video!
Struggling with an illness or disability? Feeling alone due to a divorce? Estranged from a loved one? Get your specific questions answered through group counseling calls with Jennifer. Let the group hold space for your hurt, pain, and grief in Jennifer’s Sacred Circle of healing.
Freedom from struggling on your own:
Lean into a global spiritual community who accepts you as you are.
Freedom from having to figure it out:
Use your Mastery Journal to deepen your spiritual practice.
In this world we live in, everyone is so busy and disconnected. Once you join, you'll meet people who are on the same quest as you. Some students say "this is the best part of Finding Freedom!" Having a safe space for deep and profound sharing is priceless. For 10 weeks you can participate in a small group we call your Freedom Posse of like-minded folks who are working the curriculum along with Spiritual Counselors as Facilitators to give you the maximum support.
Once you sign up for the bootcamp, you will receive your own 400-page Mastery Journal. Because of the varying cost of shipping around the world, we ask each student to pay the shipping cost. Included with the Mastery Journal are a bunch of BONUS goodies from Jennifer worth over $200.

“In Finding Freedom, I experienced healing from years of chronic pain and have had more spiritual breakthroughs than I ever thought possible. Jennifer's style of teaching suits me so well because she encourages living out what we are learning, not just reading about it.”
Carol Mesrobian, Finding Freedom Graduate, New Jersey
"Finding Freedom has changed my life in a way I would never have thought possible. I was feeling bad about a lot of things in my life - always thinking what I did was not good enough. Using the tools and doing the exercises combined with loving support in the Freedom Posse has shifted my point of view. I now take full responsibility for my life and I don’t recall having felt happier and more free than now - and I know there is much more to come."
~ Inger Hansen, Finding Freedom Graduate, Denmark

I'm so glad you're considering my FINDING FREEDOM Spiritual Bootcamp. I offer you the tools to transform your thinking that completely changed my life. I went from wondering how I’d ever live the life I wanted to actually living it when I applied these tools and learned the skills I share with you in my bootcamp. You don’t have to figure it out - just like any other bootcamp, you join the group, do the work and enjoy the results.
My own journey to wholeness inspired this spiritual bootcamp.
For decades, I was a dedicated spiritual student. I read the books, I listened to the audios, but I was so resistant to actually doing the mind training necessary to ACTUALLY change my life and heal my relationships. The first step for me was to face the truth. Studying spirituality and applying it are very different things.
I went from SEEKING ANSWERS OUTSIDE in books and audios to FINDING FREEDOM INSIDE my own heart and mind. I never imagined I could be SO successful and that’s what has compelled me to share with others and create this bootcamp for you.
It has helped hundreds of spiritual seekers get off the PAIN TRAIN and partner up with their Higher Holy Spirit Selves.
I used to think these thoughts CONSTANTLY:
- "Other people can do this spiritual healing, but not me."
- "I’m missing something and I don’t know what it is."
- "I just can’t do this. I don’t know why, but I can’t get it."
- "Something must be wrong with me. This keeps happening again and again.”
- "Maybe I should just give up."
Fortunately, I didn’t give up. And it seems like, neither have you. Let’s do this together and make a lasting change. Together we can really make that change!

Looking for more options?
Enroll now and we'll support you with a payment plan for up to 10 PAYMENTS!

"I am now on week 4 and just reporting in and letting you know that ‘Finding Freedom’ has been brilliant for me.
I have been A Course in Miracles student for 20 years, but I didn’t realise just how much I was NOT living it and how much resistance I was putting up. You keep the ‘Finding Freedom’ course simple, but effective. Thank you.
I would like to thank you for all the years of effort and training that you put in, so that people like myself could reap the benefits and share in what you have learned."
~ Ngaire in England

"I have been with spiritual teachers for a long time and yet – the breakthrough I was longing for did not take place… I can recommend Finding Freedom to everyone who is interested in shifting life from ‘normal daily situations and burdens’ to a life full of love and peace. Daily life has become easier: less sorrow, less anxiety and much more trust and faith in life and in the divine… I know I cannot fail. I know it because I experience it every day."
~ Barbara in Germany

"I had been totally engaged in a left-brained egoic death march all of my life. I have taken the classes (Finding Freedom, Living A Course in Miracles, and Masterful Living) and consider them to be the greatest aid imaginable toward my awakening process… I also find that her [Jennifer's] teachings have provided an invaluable base for greater understanding of my ACIM study."
~ Ken in North Carolina

"I have released my attachment to a life long addiction to alcohol, and today I am happy, content and live in love. Today I have choices, and doing the work in Finding Freedom allowed me to realize this. I am able to use the tools from this program to calm my mind and emotional self. I no longer have flashbacks and anxiety attacks and I no longer self-medicate to relieve the anxiety—I truly have healed this past—and I am able to deal effectively with any anxiety that does come up. This simple spiritual program truly works."
~ Karen in Canada

"When I entered Finding Freedom I was in terrible shape. My work relationships, my family relationships, my personal relationships and my finances were in so much upheaval. I kept trying to do all the right things, but nothing worked. I knew that I needed to commit myself to getting better and I knew that I needed a 'bootcamp' to hold me accountable and make me responsible. I was skeptical but the healing that I've had is amazing. I continue to have breakthroughs and healing."
~ Stephanie in Vermont

- You judge yourself for getting easily triggered by family, friends or co-workers. YOU CAN BECOME UNBOTHERABLE! Yes, even when your family, friends or co-workers press ALL your buttons at once – you can be cool as a cucumber. When you change your mind - they will change their behavior.
- You’re drowning in blame, shame, and guilt from the past and would like to be 100% free. We all have a calling to bring more light and love to our life - you can be an inspiration to everyone in your life!
- You're healing from failed relationships, abuse, molestation, or violence and you don't want to spend more years trying to move on. You can’t change the past, but you can move on from it and enjoy a rich and beautifully loving life. We've seen past students heal relationships that were estranged for decades, and go from the verge of divorce to renewing their vows... all in 90 transformative days!
- You’re not willing to spend another year spinning around managing and coping with insecurities, fear, guilt, regret, resentment and self-doubt. If you’re ready to get off the PAIN TRAIN, and you have the willingness, you can let go of the self-attack and criticism. You can learn to share your gifts and talents with the world in ways that are magnificent and truly helpful.

- You're enjoying the drama 😉 I had to give up complaining and blaming and that was HARD. It kicked my butt. It was the hardest thing I ever did, and that’s why I offer support to help those who are willing to do the work. It's SO MUCH EASIER to do it together.
- If you like to read spiritual literature but aren't yet gaining mastery over your thoughts, words, emotions, and actions, you won’t have these kinds of results. The people who have amazing results put their heart into it. We can do it together, step by step.

Book a FREE Exploratory Call
If you have questions or aren't sure if this Bootcamp is right for you right now, this service can help.
Absolutely NO pressure involved.
Similar to a counseling call, this free exploratory call is with someone who has already taken the program. The call gives you an opportunity to consult with a trained counselor who can focus specifically on what you would like to experience in life so you can make an empowered decision about whether this is right for you right now.

Let's do it together!
You'll get a LOT of support using Zoom video conferencing technology:
- The proven tools, methods and practices, PLUS support to MOTIVATE YOU to use them.
- A community of like-minded people doing the work together, practicing together, growing together.
- A Spiritual Coach and Mentor who has done THIS work and who will walk with you step by step, supporting you the entire way.
Registration closes on Monday, September 22nd
Looking for more options?
Enroll now and we'll support you with a payment plan for up to 10 PAYMENTS!
Enroll for both
Stop Playing Small Online Retreat and Finding Freedom - save $200!
Stop Playing Small Online Retreat - 597.
Finding Freedom Spiritual Bootcamp - 697.
Enroll for both for ONLY 1094.

Registration for Finding Freedom closes on
Monday, September 22nd at Midnight Pacific.

Earn CEU Credits
This continuing education program has been approved by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. for 34.0 contact hours of continuing education credit, CE#433.

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